Custom software

Estimate LeasePlan

Company: LeasePlan Romania
Technical solution: Drupal, PHP, MYSQL, SOAP
Digital platform for multi user and withe label operational leasing estimates created specially for LeasePlan Romania. The platform is connected to the backend core ERP via SOAP webservice. It can generate offers for a client with realtime full price calculation based on many input informations and variables.

LeasePlan Driver portal

Company: LeasePlan
Technical solution: Drupal, PHP, Jquery

The portal for LeasePlan drivers that is fully integrated with all the company's other applications. It provides the customer an complete experience for managing online the services offered in the contract.

Responsive Design

LeasePlan Driver portal

Company: LeasePlan
Technical solution: Drupal, PHP, Jquery

The portal for LeasePlan drivers that is fully integrated with all the company's other applications. It provides the customer an complete experience for managing online the services offered in the contract.

Responsive Design


Company: Askredit
Technical solution: Laravel, PHP, SMS gateway, Charisma API integration

Web based pre-credit approval website for an Romanian credit company. The platform is for enduser and is integrated with Charisma from TotalSoft. It allows the customer to ask for a credit be approved and digitally sign the contract. The application is build in Laravel.

Responsive Design

Truck loading training software

We created an interactive training tool for truck drivers where they can learn how to load correctly a truck. The app is an Adobe Air and Away3d that calculates in realtime the truck load and offers informations based on different loading rules.

Truck loading training software

We created an interactive training tool for truck drivers where they can learn how to load correctly a truck. The app is an Adobe Air and Away3d that calculates in realtime the truck load and offers informations based on different loading rules.

We Listen Gopet Trans

Company: Gopet Trans
Technical solution: Laravel, PHP, Mysql, AngularJS
Customer survey web-application with multi-language, multiuser and backend administration for reports and custom surveys. The application is build on Laravel with AngularJS front end.
Responsive Design

Leaseplan Car Replacement

Company: LeasePlan
Technical solution: Laravel, Ratchet, SOAP, PHP, Mysql
Web-based application for car replacement management, with multiuser environment, realtime orders based on a price ranking matrix, reports, SOAP web-service data pulling and realtime response trough web-sockets.
Responsive Design

Leaseplan Car Replacement

Company: LeasePlan
Technical solution: Laravel, Ratchet, SOAP, PHP, Mysql
Web-based application for car replacement management, with multiuser environment, realtime orders based on a price ranking matrix, reports, SOAP web-service data pulling and realtime response trough web-sockets.
Responsive Design

Policlinica Promed

Company: Policlinica Promed
Technical solution: Drupal, PHP, JSON, Mysql
Web application for patients scheduling management, with multiuser environment, medical staff information and working hours and reporting build on Drupal.
Responsive Design

LeasePlan contract management

Company: LeasePlan
Technical solution: Python Django, Apache SOLR, MySQL
The contract/supplier applications started as a simple contract management web-application that is now part of the core business process inside LeasePlan, managing contracts, supplier informations and geolocation, automatic supplier ranking  based on a complex algorithm, reports and audit information.

LeasePlan contract management

Company: LeasePlan
Technical solution: Python Django, Apache SOLR, MySQL
The contract/supplier applications started as a simple contract management web-application that is now part of the core business process inside LeasePlan, managing contracts, supplier informations and geolocation, automatic supplier ranking  based on a complex algorithm, reports and audit information.

LeasePlan Driver portal

Company: LeasePlan
Technical solution: Laravel, Bash scripts, PHP, Mysql
This is an web applications where LeasePlan clients can find all the documents related to leased vehicle. We used Laravel with bash scripts for automatic processing of the scanned documents.